touch --> creates a file(touch afile)
echo linux > afile --> type a text to target file
cat -->shows the content of the mentioned file(cat afile)
echo dontoverwrite >> afile (> overwrites, >> does not overwrite)
head --> first 8 rows
tail --> last 8 rows
more --> read line by line by pressing enter(press Ctrl+C to break more)
pwd --> where I am exactly?
ls --> shows the content of the folder you are in
ls - ln --> shows the content of the entire directory with the permission rights
cd --> jump upper level
cd +arg --> jump to folder arg
mkdir +arg --> creates a new folder named arg
rmdir +arg --> deletes the folder arg(same as command: rm)
cp --> copy a file(cp sourceFile targetFileWithNewName)
cp -r --> copy a folder(cp -r sourceFolder targetFolderWithNewName)
mv --> cut a file(mv file targetFolder)
mv --> addition of cur functionality, also changes the name of a file(mv file newName)
find --> search function. (find Folder)
locate --> same as find command.
man --> manual for the commands(man grep)
help --> similar with the man.(grep --help)
grep --> find for a spesific pattern in a file
touch grepsample
echo test > grepsample
echo test2 >> grepsample
cat grepsample
cat grepsample | grep 2
useradd -m -g groupname -G othergroupnames -s shell username --> add new user
useradd -m -g users -G audio, video -s /bin/bash lorem
cat /etc/group --> shows user groups
ls - ln --> shows the content of the entire directory with the permission rights
chmod -7 fileName --> Removes the rights for the current user
chmod -77 fileName --> Removes the rights for the current user group
chmod -777 fileName --> Removes the rights for the others
chmod +7 fileName --> Gives rights for the current user
chmod +77 fileName --> Gives rights for the current user group
chmod +777 fileName --> Gives rights for the others
1 = execute, 2 = write, 4 = read, 7 total
ps aux --> whole active processes
ps -au(userName) --> active processes for the userName
ps -aux | grep processName --> active processes list which contaion processName
kill -9 processId --> kills process
killall processName --> kills all processes
.deb packages
dpkg -i packageName --> install package
dpkg -r packageName --> remove package
dpkg -l --> show installed packages
apt installer
apt update --> updates the package list from repositories
apt apgrade --> upgrades whole packages in your local
apt search packageName --> searchs a package from repository
apt install packageName --> installs a package
apt remove packageName --> removes a package
add apt repository repName --> adds a repository
df --> displays harddisk configurations
fdisk -arg --> harddisk configurations
free --> ram
cat /proc/meminfo --> ram snapshot
vmstat --> CPU
top --> CPU with more details
netstat -t --> list of tcp connections
netstat -u --> list of udp connections
netstat --route --> route table, gateway, genmask
netstat -s --> network statistics
ifconfig --> network details, ip address, mac, etc.
df --> displays harddisk configurations
fdisk -arg --> harddisk configurations
free --> ram
cat /proc/meminfo --> ram snapshot
vmstat --> CPU
top --> CPU with more details
netstat -t --> list of tcp connections
netstat -u --> list of udp connections
netstat --route --> route table, gateway, genmask
netstat -s --> network statistics
ifconfig --> network details, ip address, mac, etc.
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