5 Ekim 2013 Cumartesi


Metasploitable is a kind of vulnerable Linux virtual machine image for penetration testing. It is Debian 32bit based operation system, and ready for usage without any configuration... It contains some payloads, encoder, exploit tools in it.
You can have a search on https://www.vulnhub.com/ or you can directly download the latest version from the following link: https://www.vulnhub.com/entry/metasploitable-2,29/
Do not forget to activate PAE/NX feature on the virtual environment under the System/Processor options.

Keep up-to-date:

Do with the sudo user:
apt upgrade
apt install metasploit-install

Let the attack begin!

3 Ekim 2013 Perşembe

Kali Linux: first things to do after installation

Adding mirros:

Open the terminal as sudo user and;
apt update

apt upgrade

Mirrors will be added automaticly after above operations...

If you are facing keyboard issue(I am usually facing, because of the usage of *.ova virtual images), you may want to change the keyboard settings. to do this, you can use following instruction;

setxkbmap tr
***"tr" for turkish...

One more tricky thing, to use kali in virtual box in full screen mode, appyl following instructions too;

apt install virtual box
You will see a list of available extensions, install below item;
apt install virtualbox-guest-x11
The name of this item may change depanding on the virtualbox version, year, etc... just to know there is a possibility for full screen mode, you may need additional search on the internet...

2 Nisan 2013 Salı

ARP Poisoning

nmap or netdiscover super fine way to determine the ip addresses in the LAN. I assume that we already passed the getting information part...

ARP --> to see the IP addresses+MAC addresses that we already have communication...

wireshark --> a nice tool to see the traffic...

to activate forwarding: echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

ping target

arpspoof [-i interface] [-t target] [-r host]
arpspoof -i eth0 -t 192.168.1.XXX -r

24 Mart 2013 Pazar

List of TCP and UDP port numbers

1 TCP Port Service Multiplexer (TCPMUX)
5 Remote Job Entry (RJE)
18 Message Send Protocol (MSP)
20 FTP -- Data
21 FTP -- Control
22 SSH Remote Login Protocol
23 Telnet
25 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
37 Time
42 Host Name Server (Nameserv)
43 WhoIs
49 Login Host Protocol (Login)
53 Domain Name System (DNS)
69 Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP)
70 Gopher Services
79 Finger
103 X.400 Standard
108 SNA Gateway Access Server
109 POP2
110 POP3
115 Simple File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)
118 SQL Services
119 Newsgroup (NNTP)
137 NetBIOS Name Service
139 NetBIOS Datagram Service
143 Interim Mail Access Protocol (IMAP)
150 NetBIOS Session Service
156 SQL Server
161 SNMP
179 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
190 Gateway Access Control Protocol (GACP)
194 Internet Relay Chat (IRC)
197 Directory Location Service (DLS)
389 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
396 Novell Netware over IP
444 Simple Network Paging Protocol (SNPP)
445 Microsoft-DS
458 Apple QuickTime
546 DHCP Client
547 DHCP Server
569 MSN
1080 Socks

For more details: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_TCP_and_UDP_port_numbers

22 Mart 2013 Cuma

Shell - Linux structure

Application programs: Mail-FTP-DBMS, etc...

Shell: Interaction btw user and OS.

Kernel: Hearth of OS. Bridge btween hardware and user interface. I/O, processes

Hardware: CPU-GPU-Harddisk-etc. physicall


We can access to the shell via terminal. Terminal is not the shell, just a kind of emulator...

to see version of the shell type below command on terminal;
echo $SHELL

to see kernel;

for more information regarding kernel;
uname - a

19 Mart 2013 Salı

Linux commands

command -parameter+argument

touch --> creates a file(touch afile)

echo linux > afile --> type a text to target file

cat -->shows the content of the mentioned file(cat afile)

echo dontoverwrite >> afile (> overwrites, >> does not overwrite)

head --> first 8 rows

tail --> last 8 rows

more --> read line by line by pressing enter(press Ctrl+C to break more)

pwd --> where I am exactly?

ls --> shows the content of the folder you are in

ls - ln --> shows the content of the entire directory with the permission rights

cd --> jump upper level

cd +arg --> jump to folder arg

mkdir +arg --> creates a new folder named arg

rmdir +arg --> deletes the folder arg(same as command: rm)

cp --> copy a file(cp sourceFile targetFileWithNewName)
cp -r --> copy a folder(cp -r sourceFolder targetFolderWithNewName)

mv --> cut a file(mv file targetFolder)
mv --> addition of cur functionality, also changes the name of a file(mv file newName)

find --> search function. (find Folder)

locate  --> same as find command.

man --> manual for the commands(man grep)

help --> similar with the man.(grep --help)

grep --> find for a spesific pattern in a file
touch grepsample
echo test > grepsample
echo test2 >> grepsample
cat grepsample
cat grepsample | grep 2

useradd -m -g groupname -G othergroupnames -s shell username --> add new user
useradd -m -g users -G audio, video -s /bin/bash lorem

cat /etc/group --> shows user groups

ls - ln --> shows the content of the entire directory with the permission rights

chmod -7 fileName  --> Removes the rights for the current user
chmod -77 fileName --> Removes the rights for the current user group
chmod -777 fileName --> Removes the rights for the others

chmod +7 fileName  --> Gives rights for the current user
chmod +77 fileName --> Gives rights for the current user group

chmod +777 fileName --> Gives rights for the others

1 = execute, 2 = write, 4 = read, 7 total

ps aux --> whole active processes
ps -au(userName) --> active processes for the userName

ps -aux | grep processName --> active processes list which contaion processName

kill -9 processId --> kills process 

killall processName --> kills all processes 

.deb packages

dpkg -i packageName --> install package
dpkg -r packageName --> remove package
dpkg -l --> show installed packages

apt installer

apt update --> updates the package list from repositories
apt apgrade --> upgrades whole packages in your local
apt search packageName --> searchs a package from repository
apt install packageName --> installs a package

apt remove packageName --> removes a package
add apt repository repName --> adds a repository


df --> displays harddisk configurations
fdisk -arg --> harddisk configurations

free --> ram
cat /proc/meminfo --> ram snapshot

vmstat --> CPU
top --> CPU with more details



netstat -t --> list of tcp connections
netstat -u --> list of udp connections
netstat --route --> route table, gateway, genmask
netstat -s --> network statistics

ifconfig --> network details, ip address, mac, etc.


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