8 Temmuz 2011 Cuma

SAP/ABAP: Smartforms, SF Symbols

use this:
&symbol(.N)& Display upto N decimal places
Other options
&symbol(Z)& Omit Leading Zeros
&symbol(S)& Omit Leading Sign
&symbol(<)& Display Leading Sign to the Left &symbol(>)& Display Leading Sign to the Right
&symbol(C)& Compress Spaces
&symbol(.N)& Display upto N decimal places
&symbol(T)& Omit thousands separator
&symbol(R)& Right justified
&symbol(I)& Suppress output of the initial value
eg &SFSY-FORMPAGES(3ZC)& —outputlen,c-condense,z-Omit Leading Zeros
my requirement is to suppress the zeros for field MENGE NETPR NETWR.output is as follows
10,000 10,00 100,00
but i want it as
10 10 100
code it like &WS_NETWR(18.2)&
If you do not want any zero after decimal…&WS_NETWR(18.0)&

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